Unlike the past, building a bridge today is not just an engineering problem, a set of more complex interrelated issues arise: environmental, social, economic, political issues that may go beyond a generation.
This course aims to present the 3D Mapping methodology, explore it’s potential and the ability to generate powerful insights.
3D Mapping is a methodology developed by the Presencing Institute (founded in 2006 by MIT Associate Professor – Otto Scharmer – and some of his colleagues), used mainly by teams that deal with complex and multidisciplinary challenges.
For the participants to develop a perception of how the methodology works, the course will be presented through the application of the methodology itself. Trainers will share their teaching experience and discuss with the audience how to take the first steps in using 3D Mapping.
The expectation is that the participants can contact and understand the advantages of applying this methodology to their current problems and that they reflect on the usefulness and the way of exploring the 3D Mapping methodology in their activities.
List of material needed for the workshop:
– a notebook and a pen;
– an A3 sheet of paper (or two A4 sheets together) or a towel;
– a variety of objects to build the model: plasticine, paper clips, rubber bands, thread, cotton, stones, feathers, coins, colored pencils, lego pieces, etc..
Instructor: José Gonçalves Pinto