Joana Mendonça is the president of the Portuguese Innovation Agency. She is an Associate professor at the Engineering and Management Department at Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), where she co-coordinated of the Master program in Engineering and Management of Innovation and Entrepreneurship (MEGIE) and of the Doctoral program in Engineering and Public Policy. She was the Deputy-Director of the Committee for the competitiveness and funding of IST 20-30. She was a scientific director of the Carnegie Mellon Portugal Partnership, and the scientific coordinator at CEiiA, Center of Engineering and Product Development.
She does research at IN+, Center for Innovation, Technology and Policy Research, where she led the Laboratory of Technology Management and Policy. Her research focuses on processes of technology adoption and commercialization, and on the relationship between technological change and work.
She teaches on Entrepreneurship, Engineering Economics and Innovation Management and Design Thinking, to Undergraduates, Masters and PhDs students.
She is the mother of two wonderful daughters.
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